Lake Orangatanga
Lakeside Limbo
Red balloons on top of first two
shelters (have Kiddy throw Dixie up
After first DK barrel find crack in
the planks, throw Kiddy up so he
lands on the crack (provides access to
the barrel - stars, Bonus coin)
DK coin after exiting previous
barrel, underneath the 'O' (face the
lizard and throw the barrel provided
over his head so it hits the opposite
wall and rolls into his back)
First shelter after the two lizards:
invisible bear coins, one at each end
of the roof of the shelter (right before
the save point). Again, Kiddy throws
Dixie up there.
Under 'N' go in the water to the
right, swim past barrel, jump up in
empty space to the right of the barrel
(invisible green balloon), then back
into Bonus Barrel ·
After returning from Bonus level, get
elephant and proceed to bird with
big red stomach. Use 'Y' button to
get the barrel provided and hit the
bird with it (gives the 'G' to finish
spelling Kong).
At the 'No Elephant' sign (red circle
with slash through it) jump off the
left edge where the sign is with Dixie
on Kiddy's shoulders. In mid-air
throw Dixie up and slightly left (Blue
Shelter at end of the level, invisible
banana bunch on roof and inside (2
WARP: To the far left of the
platform where the very 1st
DK barrel is. Put Dixie on Kiddy's
shoulders and throw her up and to
the left.
You should now have: 1
Doorstop Dash
After 2nd tractor door silver coin
above. Put Dixie on Kiddy's
shoulders, throw upwards to retrieve.
After the three green bees (2nd floor)
go left past hanging rope to a tractor
door that is too high to jump into.
Put Dixie on Kiddy's shoulders,
throw upwards to grap the door
opening handlebars. As soon as the
door is all the way open, use Dixie's
helicopter twirl to go left through the
open door. (Red balloon).
After red balloon, go left to Bonus
barrel, collect 60 stars for Bonus
After elevator platform, jump
continuously as you go down the
ramp towards the hanging rope on
the left. (Red balloon somewhere in
Top of rope, go right. Pull handle
and proceed through door to right
for Bonus barrel. (Find the coin)
After return from Bonus, silver coin
(guarded by rat) above sandbags.
After the 'G' is a jumping off point
(to the right) in an 'S' pattern. Use
Dixie's helicopter to slow your
descent and pick up bananas and a
green balloon (towards the end)
During descent keep your eyes peeled
for a place to land on the left. This is
where you'll get the DK coin. Pull
handlebars to open the tractor door.
Face the lizard, throw the barrel
provided through the door (it will
roll around, hit the wall and get the
lizard in the back). Continue your
descent, veer right when possible to
pick up the green balloon.
WARP: After the 1st elevator, in the
upper right corner of your screen.
You should now have: 2
Tidal Trouble
beginning of level Put Dixie on
Kiddy's shoulders, throw upwards to
get barrel from roof of first shelter
(needed to get the DK coin which
follows). · Throw barrel over lizard's
head, but not too high. (It must
ricochet off the adjacent wall and hit
the lizard in the back).
Under the 'O' get in the water and
head left to pick up Enguarde.
As Enguarde, go right to the Bonus
barrel (Collect 30 stars). (NOTE:
You can kill the spiny if you attack
him when he is fully opened,
otherwise you will be defeated.
After losing Enguarde head right,
silver coin above green bee. Switch to
Dixie, swim under the bee and to the
right (against the current) and jump
out of the water close by, using the
helicopter trick to get the coin.
After the extra tall platform (goes
beyond the top of the screen) are two
ladybugs flying in place. Jump out of
the water and on to first one then the
other to land on the platform to the
right. · On the platform, use the
green running barrel to hit the fat
red bird (letter 'N' for Kong).
Tumble jump to the right to land on
the next platform and Bonus Barrel.
Right before pole at end of level, put
Kiddy on Dixie's shoulders and
throw him into the air so he lands on
the crack to get Arrow barrel (red
WARP: Stay on the short fence in the
water, before the platform where
there are two green Klasps (it has a
low platform with a running Klasp,
then a high platform with nothing,
then a low platform with a running
Klasp (the green barrels)). Put Dixie
on Kiddy's shoulders and throw her
up and left .
You should now have: 3
Skidda's Row
House with DK barrel on top,
guarded by alligator. Use barrel to
kill alligator, invisible bear coin in
front of doorway.
Two crevices, big gully then Bonus
barrel in the air at top of next gully
(dinosaur underneath). Kill four
dinosaurs to get Bonus coin. Pick up
bear coin automatically on your way
To the right after first cabin
following the save point, lizard with
DK coin. Throw barrel over his head
to hit him in the back and get the DK
Next cabin with two dinosaurs
runnng on top, kill both of them then
jump into Bonus barrel in the air to
the right of the cabin roof. · Bonus
coin - just make it to the right; you
don't have to kill all the baddies you
encounter to get the coin.
To the right at the top of a gully is a
ladybug in mid-air. Jump on this
ladybug to get a red balloon.
WARP: Get on the the roof of the
first cabin and stay to the far left.
Put Dixie on top of Kiddy's shoulders
and throw her up and to the left.
You should now have: 4
Murky Mill
First elevator is fast! It ascends in an
'S' pattern. Collect bananas.
Rats that are not under a light may
be killed by stomping on them; rats
in lighted areas must be killed with
First raised platform (dark area)
jump off to the right (invisible bear
Couple of platforms over (left) is a
platform with a light shining on it
and a single rat guarding it. After
killing the rat with a barrel, jump
up in the light and pick up a green
To the left is a bouncing crocodile,
you need to stomp him to get the 'O'
for Kong. Don't kill him with a
Take a barrel with you when you go
down the elevator platform from
here for the green bee at the bottom.
After save point, either kill the green
bee with the barrel you brought
down or jump over the green bee,
pick up the barrel and return to the
green bee and kill him. Jump on the
hatch door he was guarding to enter
Bonus level. (Bonus coin)
At the bottom of the next platform
elevator and to the right is the DK
coin. Pick up a barrel with the
elephant's trunk and throw upwards
(over the partition) to ricochet off the
wall and hit the lizard in the back.
Bottom of shaft with 4 red bees,
invisible bear coin in lower right
'Y' made of bananas with guarding
rat. Use the 'Y' button to suck the
barrel across the floor and use it to
kill the rat.
At bottom of next shaft, head left to
invisible Bonus barrel, shoots you up
and left. At this platform, use 'Y'
button to suck the barrel across the
gap (it will fall in and kill the green
bee guarding). Fall in the gap to get
the Bonus barrel (Bonus coin).
After return from Bonus, pick up
barrel and sneak it past red bee. Kill
the two rats in the spotlight.
Jump on bouncing crocs to get to the
'G' for 'Kong'.
Get more barrels to kill two more
rats before the 'No Elephants' sign.
After the 1st elevator, it's in the
upper left corner of your screen.
You should now have: 5
Kremwood Forest
Barrel Shield Bustup
If you don't want to warp to the end,
go in the Bonus barrel to be shot up
and get a bear coin.
At top of this tree use TNT barrel to
blast hole in left of tree. Go outside
and enter Bonus barrel (Find the
After save point, just before top of
rope, platform on right has invisible
bear coin.
After the 'N' for 'Kong' go outside,
stand on right branch. Put Dixie on
Kiddy's shoulders, throw upwards
and left to next branch. Follow
branches right then left to get to the
DK coin (should be visible on screen
by now). Throw barrel in the
entrance, it will roll down and hit the
lizard. Use TNT barrel to re-enter
Top of next rope use TNT barrel to
exit tree to the left. Go up the
branches as far as possible then enter
the tree. Use Dixie's helicopter to go
as far right as possible (you'll go
through two trees) until you hit a
Bonus barrel to the right. (Bonus
WARP: After two circling bees with
banana bunch in center, go into tree
on right. Fall through hole and to the
left for warp to end of level.
You should now have: 6
Riverside Race
Right after 'K' for K-O-N-G, jump
on Sneek (the rat) and into the air to
get an invisible bear coin. In the first
pool after Sneek (the rat) and bear
coin, use Kiddy's tumble jump (roll,
hit 'B' each time you hit the water) to
get to the opposite side of the pond.
At the top of this bluff is a Bonus
barrel (Grab 15 Bananas)
Hint: If you swim across the top of
the water you can usually avoid the
green fish.
Right after the save point tunnel
emerge from the pond and jump on
the two ladybugs to the left to pick
up a red balloon (the swarm won't
hurt you after you during this time)
In the pool under the 'N' for
K-O-N-G is an Invincibility Barrel.
Break the barrel and once invincible
jump out of the water onto each of
the three red Buzz's (bees) to get up
to the opposite side of the pond. At
the top is a Bonus Barrel (Bash the
Go left after returning from Bash the
Baddies and you can use the
Invincibility barrel again, this time to
go through the normal course.
Right after the 'G' for K-O-N-G,
head right to throw the swarm off
course. Then head left, back towards
the pond you just came out of. Use
Kiddy's tumble to skip over the top
of the pond and up onto the opposing
shore. At the top is the DK coin.
Special Hint: Complete the entire
course in under 1:15 and get a special
bonus. (Don't stop for any secrets or
bonuses!). After pulling the end of
course flag a "New Record!" message
will appear. Later in the game, when
you visit Brash's Cabin, he'll get
really mad because you broke his
record. When he starts to pound on
his desk it will shake a log loose
which will float down the river and
create a walkway to a secret cave
where you can pick up an extra
banana bird. (You don't see any of
this till you leave his cabin)
WARP: In the top of the screen right
above the center of the first pond.
You should now have: 7
Squeals on Wheels
At the 'O' for K-O-N-G, go past it to
the left. Defeat Sneek (the rat) in the
wheel and use the platform to get on
top of the wheel and onto the surface
to the left. Enter a Bonus Barrel
(Collect 20 Stars).
Right after save point, defeat first
Sneek (the rat) in wheel. Standing on
this wheel defeat the one above it.
Put Dixie on Kiddy's shoulders,
throw upwards to get on upper
wheel, then onto surface to the right.
Enter Bonus Barrel (Grab 15
After next platform where two green
Buzz's (bees) circle a Sneek (rat)
wheel, go to platform on left and Put
Dixie on Kiddy's shoulders, throw
upwards to get on top of wheel then
Put Dixie on Kiddy's shoulders,
throw upwards again to get onto
surface to the right, for the DK coin.
Under Auto-Fire barrel go all the
way to the left corner to get invisible
After fallling through all the trap
doors, find Parry (the Parallel Bird).
Once he's free jump directly up to
get an invisible bear coin.
Have Parry (the Parallel Bird) run
into the fat bird after the invisible
bear coin to get the 'G' for K-O-N-G.
Blue balloon when you finish the
course with Parry (the parallel bird)
WARP: After you open the first door
by defeating Sneeks (the rats), go
through the door and use Kiddy to
throw Dixie straight up.
You should now have: 8
Springing Spiders
First tree, invisible bear coin is
guarded by Bristles (the porcupine).
Exit the tree right after the 'K' and
drop between the branches and to the
left to get Squawks (the parrot).
Up and to the right is a trail of
bananas. At the very top of this trail
go all the way in to the section to pick
up two invisible bear coins.
Bonus Barrel just outside of this
area. (Grab 15 bananas).
Bear coin when you finish this section
with Squawks (the parrot).
Right after save point jump over red
Buzz (bee) (using Springin' Spider)
and to the left find an invisible bear
Enter the tree and go all the way into
the first compartment to find an
invisible banana bunch.
Use the red Springin' Spider that
goes to the top of the tree to get to the
next platform. Don't leave the tree
yet! Put Dixie on Kiddy's shoulders,
throw upwards to get to a higher
platform inside the tree. Switch to
Dixie, have her throw the barrel
provided out the hole above (Up +
'Y') to get the DK coin (outside).
Use TNT barrel to get back into the
tree. After the DK coin, switch to
Dixie and use the branches on the left
to get to the top of the next tree. Use
the red Springin' Spider to get to the
top platform. The 'N' for K-O-N-G is
After getting the 'N' for K-O-N-G,
use Dixie's helicopter spin to float to
the left and pick up a red balloon.
Use TNT barrel to get back in the
tree. First small platform on the
right has invisible bananas.
At the top of this tree (where the
green Buzz (bee) is), go outside
between the trees and wait a minute
for Swoopy (the woodpecker). He will
lodge his beak in a tree and you can
jump on his body to get to the higher
branches to get the 'G' for K-O-N-G.
When you go into the tree
afterwards, fall down and to the
right for a Bonus barrel (Grab 30
If you re-enter the space where the
Bonus barrel is and fall left, you will
find an invisible bear coin.
WARP: When you enter the first tree
(where the 2nd Springin' Spider is,
go to the left wall of the tree and use
Kiddy to throw Dixie straight up into
the warp barrel (it's invisible).
You should now have: 9
Bobbing Barrel Brawl
At the first DK barrel you find, throw
upwards to hit the fat bird. He'll drop a
TNT barrel on the red Buzz (bee) below
him to reveal the 'K'. (Hint: If you miss
with the barrel you can throw Dixie).
the 'O' for K-O-N-G, stand on the
floating metal barrel and press Up+R to
shoot the fat bird, who will drop
another silver barrel for you to stand
After the Auto-fire barrel puts you on
the other side of one of the ponds, have
Ellie (the elephant) shoot the fat bird. A
barrel will drop on the red Buzz (bee)
below and reveal a bonus barrel. (Find
the coin)
for Bonus level: Throw the barrels
upwards, not forward. This will make
them land closer to you.
After you defeat the two red Buzz's
(bees) with the TNT barrels, don't
defeat the ladybug which follows! Jump
on her to reach the bear coin at the top
of the screen.
DK coin is in plain sight after the two
red Buzz's (bees) under a cliff.
In the pond where a fat bird is
surrounded by two circling green Buzz's
(bees), shoot all three with Ellie's (the
elephant's) trunk to get another barrel
to stand on.
In the next pond is a Bonus barrel, on
the bottom of the pond. To get it, go to
the right and wait for two ladybugs to
fly overhead. Then jump on first one,
then the other and land in the center of
the pond. You will land hard enough to
enter the Bonus barrel (Grab 10 stars)
Pond with fat bird and one green Buzz
(bee) circling, shoot both to get another
barrel to stand on.
Banana bunch if you finish the level
with Ellie (the elephant).
WARP: Right after you encounter the
first red Buzz (bee) use Kiddy to throw
Dixie straight up.
You should now have: 10
Fireball Frenzy
Hint: The fireballs can't hurt you
once they bounce one time.
Third bird over, invisible bear coin
when you jump.
After save point, go right and jump
to first platform on the right
(invisible bear coin).
After jumping on each platform
(R-L-R-L-R) use Dixie's helicopter
spin to go to the far left. (If you miss
Put Dixie on Kiddy's shoulders,
throw upwards to get on higher
platform). Float left to Bonus barrel
(Bash the Baddies as Squitter (the
Bear coin for completing this section
as Squitter (the spider).
Single banana above bird shooting
three fireballs in a row. Put Dixie on
Kiddy's shoulders, throw upwards
(aim at the banana) to get on
platform to Bonus barrel. (Grab 15
After the 'N' for K-O-N-G, take
platform up (DK barrel on the way)
and head for platform on the right
(DK coin).
You should now have: 11
Demolition Drainpipe
After 'N' for K-O-N-G, single large
end caps (they look like big trash
cans) then two large pipe caps on
either edge of a gap, the gap directly
after this has a Bonus barrel (Grab
20 stars).
At end of level flagpole go left to find
DK coin.
After the 'K' for K-O-N-G, there are
5-6 green Buzz's (bees), then a couple
of large pipe caps, then 4 Buzz's
(bees) positioned low-high-low-high.
Jump on the last (high) green Buzz
(bee) to go to a Bonus barrel (Bash
the baddies).
You should now have: 12
Ripsaw Rage
At doorway blocked by green bee,
enter to get Bonus barrel using
barrel provided. (If you don't have
time to get the barrel, you may have
to sacrifice Dixie or Kiddy). (Find the
Exiting tree blocked by green bee,
visible Bonus barrel. (Grab 15
bananas). (You are temporarily
invincible during this one).
Method 1: At the top of the tree the
saw stops. Koin (the lizard) is visible
in the top left hand corner of the
screen). Put Dixie on Kiddy's
shoulders, throw upwards to get on
the next highest branch. Throw a
barrel from this higher branch to hit
the lizard from behind and get the
DK coin.
Method 2: Under the 'G' is a single
banana. When you get to it this
banana turns into an auto-fire barrel
and you become invincible. You can
then get the 'G' for K-O-N-G, a
bunch of bananas and a barrel to get
the DK coin (top) with.
You should now have: 13
Blazing Bazukas
First rope at top of screen. Work
your way left to get a DK barrel, if
Further left is an invisible bear coin.
Defeat Bazuka with TNT barrel
provided to reveal hidden Squitter
(the spider) barrel.
Head right and start building webs
where TNT barrel was, aim upwards.
At top of this space is a Bonus barrel
(Find the coin) Hint: You don't need
to defeat all of the Buzz's (bees) to
get the coin.
After the 'O' for K-O-N-G, go left to
the Auto-fire barrel and go up and
left (not all the way to the top
platform; there is a lower platform
on the left. Use webs to get across the
gap to where Bazuka is shooting
barrels. Switch the barrel above him
to metal barrels. Return to the right
side of the gap (Koin (the lizard)
should now be below you. When
Koin faces right the metal barrels
will hit him in the back and you can
get the DK coin.
Use webs to climb to the upper
platform, go left from the save point
to a barrel being circled by a green
Buzz (bee). Switch the barrel so it
resembles a wood barrel (instead of a
TNT barrel) After the 'G' for
K-O-N-G you are shot up through a
series of barrels. At the very top use
Dixie's helicopter spin to go to the far
left for the Bonus barrel (Find the
You should now have: 14
Low-G Labyrinth
Right before the save point go left
and up (over a stack of Buzz's (bees))
to the Bonus barrel. (Collect 80
Pick up barrel at bottom of shaft
with three Buzz's (bees)
criss-crossing. Wait in gap under
stack of three Buzz's (bees) for a
chance to go right. (Invisible bear
coin at top of this stack)
Carry barrel up next shaft (pick up
'N' for K-O-N-G) and go left. Use
barrel to defeat Buzz (bee) guarding
down shaft and go left to Bonus
barrel (Bash the baddies).
At left arrow (spelled out in bananas)
go left and pick up metal barrel.
Carry up to Buzz (bee) guarding red
balloon and visible bear coin.
Pick up next wood barrel and go left
to two Buzz's (bees) going up and
down rapidly. Defeat one and go to
"No Parrots" section to pick up
metal barrel. Use barrel to defeat
Koin (the lizard) for DK coin.
After DK coin, go left and use metal
barrel to remove green Buzz's (bees)
from downward slanting shaft. At
end of shaft are three bear coins,
bunch of bananas and an
Invincibility Barrel. Go to right (past
where the re-appearing barrel is) and
jump up into ceiling gap guarded by
two green Buzz's (bees) to get 'G' for
You should now have: 15
Cotton-Top Cove
Bazza's Blockade
Between the 'K' and the 'O' for
K-O-N-G go below the fast moving
barracuda's for a Bonus barrel (Fnid
the coin).
Right before the save point is an
invisible bear coin.
After the save point to the lower
right hand corner of the screen is a
depression in the coral that contains
an invisible bear coin.
Straight up from the bear coin a line
of barracudas emerges from the left.
There is a space in the coral and if
you can time it just right you can
dart in between the barracuda's and
go down to a Bonus barrel. (Bash the
baddies). Pick up Enguarde (the
swordfish) here.
When you return from the Bonus
barrel go right and downward to a
passage blocked by a red fish. The 'N'
for K-O-N-G is at the bottom.
After the DK barrel go down and left
and notice a depression in the coral
above some barracuda. Use
Enguarde to pierce Koco (the clown
fish) for an invisible bear coin.
Finish the level with Enguarde for
the 'G' for K-O-N-G.
Before finishing the level with the
flagpole, go all the way to the right
and retrieve the DK coin.
You should now have: 16
Rocket Barrel Ride
After first rocket barrel, go behind
waterfall for bananas. Stay in this
barrel and jump out to the right for
an invisible bear coin. (Remember to
aim back towards the barrel so you
won't drop to the end of this
After a couple more barrels you'll
notice a line of bananas in front of a
waterfall to the right. At the
beginning of this line is an invisible
barrel which will Auto-fire you
through all the bananas and you'll
pick up an invisible bear coin in the
Higher up there is a trail behind the
waterfall with a line of bananas on it.
There is a banana missing in the
middle. Jump up here to get an
invisible Auto-fire barrel and an
invisible bear coin.
After a Krumple (big blue crocodile)
on the right is a single banana. This is
hiding an invisible bear coin.
Above the 'O' are two barrels. The
one on the left can shoot you over the
green Buzz (bee) and onto two
ladybugs and into a Bonus barrel.
(Collect 20 stars).
Barrel guarded by Krimp (pink
crocodile) go behind waterfall (trail
is broken here) and jump across the
gap, pick up an invisible bear coin.
Where Auto-fire barrel connects two
surfaces go right and pick up Parry
(the parallel bird).
Visible bear coin guarded by two
Krumps (blue crocodiles). Defeat
both Krumps, get coin and continue
right to pick up invisible red balloon.
Blue balloon for finishing the level
with Parry (the parallel bird).
Right after the "No Birds" sign go
right and out from behind the
waterfall. Near the lower ledge is a
Bonus barrel. (Collect 60 stars)
At the end of the level, before the
flagpole, pick up the metal barrel
and throw it (upwards) to the left
while standing under the Auto-fire
barrel behind the waterfall.
Immediately jump into the Auto-fire
barrel. You will beat the metal barrel
to the other side, causing Koin (the
lizard) to look at you, and allowing
the barrel to hit him in the back.
Retrieve the DK coin.
You should now have: 17
Kreeping Klasps
First shelter at start of game, red
balloon on top. Put Dixie on Kiddy's
shoulders, throw upwards to retrieve.
After shelter and before Re-Koil
(bouncing crocodile) is a crack in the
wharf. Use Dixie to throw Kiddy up
in the air and land on this crack for
invisible Bonus barrel. (Bear coin)
Two green Buzz's circling (partially
off-screen). Jump up between them
into Bonus barrel. (Grab 15 bananas)
After Bonus level, defeat one Kobble
(green crocodile) and go to higher of
two ropes for red balloon. (Top rope
is guarded by Klasp (exploding red
Two ropes each guarded by a Klasp
(exploding red barrel). Beneath
lower rope is a Bonus barrel. (Find
the coin)
DK coin is at end of the level, just
before the flagpole. Get the metal
barrel from inside the shelter at the
far right.
You should now have: 18
Tracker Barrel Trek
After tracker barrel behind
waterfall, use Dixie to helicopter spin
from ledge to the far right into a
Bonus barrel.
Tracker barrel right after save point
shoots you into arrow barrel and up
onto ledge. After being shot up onto
ledge, use Dixie's helicopter spin to
float left and down, pick up blue
Right after the Ellie (the elephant)
barrel, go left using tracker barrel
and find a Bonus barrel guarded by
two green Buzz's (bees) (Bash the
If you finish the level with Ellie (the
elephant) you are rewarded with a
metal barrel. This barrel doesn't get
replaced! Don't leave the screen and
don't waste it! You need it to get the
DK coin. Stand behind the waterfall
and throw the barrel to the left. You
must keep the barrel on the screen at
all times or it will disappear. As it
rolls back towards Koin (the lizard)
move to the right (keeping the barrel
on screen) so he will face you and the
barrel will hit him in the back.
You should now have: 19
Fish Food
Hint: Make sure Nibbla (the
chomping fish that follows you)
always gets plenty of fish to eat
and never eats any Spiny fish.
When he turns red, you're in
trouble! Make sure you always
take him near the green or red
Hint: The red fish turn Nibbla
(the chomping fish that follows
you) all the way blue, the green
ones don't help as much.
Under first spiny, invisible bear
Trail veers off to the right and is
guarded by a Spiny. Go in here
(you'll have to let Nibbla (the
chomping fish that follows you)
eat the Spiny) for a Bonus barrel.
(Grab 15 bananas)
Towards the end of the level there
a number of narrow channels,
each guarded by a Spiny. The
third one over (the first Spiny
comes down from the top, the
second Spiny comes up from the
bottom, the third Spiny comes
down from the top.) has a Bonus
barrel (Bash the baddies). Allow
Nibbla (the chomping fish that
follows you) to eat the Spiny
blocking the way.
At the end of the level (In the
cave) stand near the flagpole. Put
Dixie on Kiddy's shoulders, throw
upwards to land on the high ledge
to the left. Get DK coin from Koin
(the lizard).
You should now have: 20
Krevice Kreepers
At the very beginning, throw Dixie
straight up to retrieve 3 bunches of
Top of channel where the 'K' is, up
and left, invisible bunch of bananas.
Follow the trail and the first time you
have to leave the rope and walk on
rock, head right and down to get a
visible bear coin.
Above this channel and to the left
(next one to the left of where the
small log platforms start) is and
Auto-fire barrel to the first Bonus
barrel. (Collect 30 stars).
To the left of the 'O' (for K-O-N-G)
is a metal barrel. Pick it up and head
left, you will use it to get the DK coin
on the rock above you. Throw the
metal barrel straight up at the
opposite end of the ledge where Koin
is standing. You must race it left to
Koin and get there in time to make
Koin face you.
Just right of where you threw the
barrel up, invisible bear coin (Use
Kiddy to throw Dixie straight up).
At the 'N' have Kiddy throw Dixie up
and right to get to another Bonus
barrel. (Find the coin) (HINT: Look
out for the green running barrel at
the top)
You should now have: 21
Tearaway Toboggan
At the very beginning, use the spinning
barrel to shoot down and to the left of
the red Buzz (bee) that is underneath
this barrel. (Bash the Baddies)
Towards the end of the level (just past
the 'G') is an arrow made of bananas.
Stay on the ground (as opposed to
jumping on the roof of the cabin) to hit
the other Bonus barrel (Collect 50 stars)
At the far end of the level, past the
flagpole is the DK coin. The metal
barrel is to the left at the top of a bluff,
the DK coin is to the right. (Put Dixie on
shoulders, throw upwards to get
to the top of the bluff)
You should now have: 22
Barrel Drop-Bounce
At the first Auto-fire level, get blasted to
the higher level and use fDixie's
Helicopter spin to go to the far right for
a metal barrel and, lower down, the DK
(HINT: This one is tricky! Take the
barrel down to the next level (in
between where you picked it up and
where Koin is) and throw it to the right.
Once the barrel hits the far wall (don't
let if off the screen!) you can run just
ahead of it to Koin. Go past Koin so the
barrel will hit him in the back.
From the 'K' go left (using the floating
barrels). Once on the left ledge, use
these barrels again to go to the far right
for a Bonus barrel (Grab 15 bananas).
the 'N' go right (as Dixie) and use
Helicopter spin to go to the far right.
Jump on a floating barrel and up into
Bonus barrel. (Find the coin)
The 'G' is at the end of the level (past
the flagpole) as a fat red bird. Use the
barrel provided to get the 'G'.
You should now have: 23
Krack-Shot Kroc
first vat of pink lava look for a
gap in the ceiling structures. Use
Squitter's webs to climb up into this gap
for a Bonus barrel. (Grab 15 bananas)
A short ways after the 'N' and after
vats of the pink lava (guarded by
red bees), climb a channel and to the
right you'll see a DK barrel at the top of
the screen. Use Squitter's webs to go up
and left to find another channel. At the
top right of this channel (gap) is a
Bonus barrel (Bash the baddies)
returning from the Bonus level go
up and left to a shield. Behind this
shield is the 'G'.
At the end of the level, just before the
"No Spiders" sign is the DK coin. Go
past this sign to turn Squitter into a
You should now have: 24
Lemguin Lunge
At the beginning of the level, directly
over the red bee, is the first Bonus
barrel. Put Dixie on Kiddy's shoulders,
throw upwards to get in. (Find the coin)
(HINT: If you stand in front of the
bigger pine tree at the very beginning of
the level and throw Dixie up and right
you'd be in just about the right position
to hit the barrel on the first try).
Right after the 'O' you'll find Koin.
Pick up the metal barrel and stand on
his shield and throw the barrel to the
left. Remain on his head until the barrel
comes back.
Just to the right of the 'G' is the other
Bonus barrel. Go over the cabin and
with the Lemguins to the left to get it.
(Collect 30 stars)
You should now have: 25
Razor Ridge
Buzzer Barrage
This level has a lot of Kopters.
You can't kill them, so avoid them!
First fat red bird has a silver bear coin
(drop a barrel on him).
Second fat red bird has the 'K' (drop a
barrel on him).
Right after the 'K' a Kopter blocks the
way. Get
past him to where you see a red
Buzz (bee) blocking a channel on the
lower part of the screen. Below the red
Buzz is a green buzz. Use the barrel on
the right to defeat the green Buzz and
head down to the bottom of this channel
for a Bonus barrel. (Bash the baddies)
Under the two red Buzz's (after the
metal barrel) is a fat red bird. Pick up
the metal barrel and drop it so it rolls
left onto the bird for the 'O'.
HINT: Further on you'll have to
descend a channel in between two
Kopters. At the bottom of this channel
is a green Buzz (bee), so look out! After
this you'll find three Kopters and then,
FINALLY the save point.
After the save point, drop metal barrel
on the two green Buzz's (bees) blocking
the channel to the right. At the bottom
of the channel and left is the DK coin.
Towards the end of the level are three
green Buzz's (bees) one on top of the
other. Use a barrel to defeat the top
Buzz and get the 'G'.
the "No Parrots" sign , bounce on
Kopter's head (the yellow propeller
thing) and continue to bounce till you
get to the second Bonus barrel. (Collect
40 stars)
You should now have: 26
Kong Fused Cliffs
This one is hard! You climb
ropes that burn like fuses, so there's
no going back. If you see something
(like a barrel) take it as soon as you
can, you won't get a second chance.
Just above two circling Buzz's (the
green bees) jump from one rope to
the right (only if you're Dixie!) and
onto another. If you're Kiddy, you
can jump on the rock below the
circling bees and jump up and right
to the Bonus barrel. A banana trail
slopes to the right, to a Bonus barrel.
(Find the coin)
Where there are three green Buzz's
(bees) going back and forth, use Dixie
to follow a banana trail to the right
for the second Bonus barrel.
Towards the end of the level at the
end of the last rope, go to the left
onto a platfrom for the DK coin.
Koin is inside a cave (you can't see
him) and you have to throw Dixie
overhead to get the metal barrel
needed to defeat him. (The flagpole is
at the right).
Hint: This would be a good time to
go to Bjorn's Chairlifts to give him
the wrench; now you can get to
Clifftop Cache and get another
banana bird.
You should now have: 27
Floodlit Fish
Hint: Get Enguarde (the swordfish) at the
beginning (lower right) and continue to stab the
Koco's (clown fish) to light up the scenery.
There is a red and white Koco (clown fish) to the left
right after the first yellow and white Koco. Stab him
for the 'K'.
After the 'K' you descend a channel where first one,
then another red fish swims back and forth rapidly.
(After the 4th yellow and white Koco.) After the 2nd
fish, descend and bear right for the first Bonus barrel.
(Collect 90 stars)
Towards the end of the level, after the
'G', defeat two Spiny's to get to the
second Bonus barrel (visible at upper
right of screen). (Collect 40 stars)
The DK coin is visible just before the
flagpole at the end of the level. Throw
Dixie up and left to get the metal barrel
needed to defeat him.
You should now have: 28
Hint: If you get right next to
Kuchuka (the purple barrel that
throws bombs), he will throw his
ammunition over your head.
First fat red bird has the 'K.'
After the save point, when you go
into the water (to the right) go left to
get the 'N' with Ellie (the elephant).
Above the 'N' is a Bonus barrel.
(Collect 20 stars)
Hint: Jump out of the water and
press the 'X' button to jump off of
Ellie's back and into the barrel.
At the end of the level just before the
"No Spiders" sign, use Squitter to
build webs up to where Kuchuka is
throwing bombs (the purple barrel).
Above Kuchuka is a Bonus barrel
(Collect 15 bananas)
The DK coin is on the ledge above the
flagpole. You need Kiddy and Dixie
to get it; he has to throw her up on
the ledge and then to the left to get
the metal barrel.
You should now have: 29
Ropey Rompus
Get the TNT barrel under the 'K'
and jump as far right as possible.
The TNT barrel will create an
opening so you can go through a
tunnel to the first Bonus barrel.
(Find the coin). You don't have to get
all the bananas to get this coin.
You must pass the "No Parrots" sign
with Parry (the parallel bird) to get
the 2nd barrel (right after the 'G').
(Grab 15 bananas.)
Towards the end of the level (before
the 'G' and the flagpole) there is a
stationary red Buzz (bee) being
circled by a green one. To the left of
this there are 3 green Buzz's (bees) in
a horizontal row on a rope. Fall down
from the rope in between the 3
horizontal Buzz's to get the DK coin.
You should now have: 30
Kaos Kore
Konveyor Rope Klash
Where there's a Konveyor rope with
two stationary Buzz's (bees) and one
who goes back and forth, with a
banana trail on the ground below,
drop down off the rop for the first
Bonus barrel (Collect 30 stars)
Just past halfway, on the rope where
there are two Buzz's (green bees)
circling around three bananas, jump
up and left at the left side of the rope
for a Bonus barrel (it's in the tree).
(Grab 15 bananas)
Towards the end of the level the DK
coin is visible just to the left of the
end of level flagpole.
You should now have: 31
Kreepy Caverns
After the Ghost barrel that is
between 2 red Buzz's (bees) go up
and to the right. Cartwheel jump left
(to the opposite ledge-works best with
Dixie). Use Kiddy to throw Dixie up
into the first Bonus barrel (Collect 50
After the save point at the top of the
screen you'll see a green Buzz. Use a
barrel to defeat him, and throw Dixie
up into an Auto-fire barrel to get
Squitter (the spider).
Before going down at the 'N' (just
before the "No Spiders" sign), go up
where you can see a single banana
right beside a Ghost barrel. Use
Squitter to climb up this channel for
the second Bonus barrel. (Find the
Bear coin for finishing this section as
Squitter (the spider).
When you find a metal barrel
directly under a Ghost barrel, you
are near the DK coin (It's to the
right). You have to throw the metal
barrel up in the air (to make it roll
slowly) then use the Ghost barrel to
shoot yourself over to Koin ahead of
it (so you can make him face away
from the barrel)
You should now have: 32
Lightning Lookout
Hint: A smaller lightning flash
preceeds the larger (lethal) lightning
flash. Now you can tell when it's
Small pond under the 'O', Bonus
barrel at the bottom. (Bash the
The DK coin is visible under two fat
red birds. Stand directly under the
first bird to make the lightning hit
him. This will drop a wooden barrel.
Use the wooden barrel to hit the
second bird so it will drop a metal
barrel, which you can use to get the
DK coin.
After the save point, above three
barrels you'll see a Bonus barrel.
You should now have: 33
Koindozer Klamber
Hint: This level is easier with Dixie in
the lead. Try to use the helicopter
spin to land directly on top of the
pink Koindozer's (the pink lizards
with shields).
The first Bonus barrel is above the
first Bazuka. (Collect 30 stars)
Right after the save point and past
the 'N' another Bonus barrel is
hanging between a Koindozer (pink
lizard with shield) and a Re-Koil
(bouncing alligator).
To get the DK coin, you have to get to
the Switch Barrel (use the horizontal
rope) and change the barrels to
metal. Now you can jump on the
shooting barrels to get back to Koin
for the DK coin.
You should now have: 34
Poisonous Pipeline
While in the poisonous pink
substance in the pipeline, your
controls will be reversed (left = right
and vice versa) - be warned! (These
directions are given according to the
direction you should really go,
NOT according to the swapped
controls! i.e., if I say go right, go
right on the screen, using whatever
button makes you go right)
If it helps you, try turning the
controls upside down to compensate
for the right/left switching. If it
doesn't help you, don't do it.
The first Bonus barrel is after you've
gone left for a while. You'll see a fish
swimming back and forth between
two sea urchins, behind them the
barrel is visible.
After the "No Swordfish" sign, you'll
see two fish swimming from left to
right continuously, right after the
Spinys. Go left past three Spiny's
(instead of going up) and down
between two Spiny's and you'll find
the 2nd Bonus barrel. (Collect 30
The DK coin is visible at the end of
the level to the left of the flagpole.
You should now have: 35
Krematoa: The Lost World
Stampede Sprint
Hint: Keep watching to the right -
you're going to be running through
this level as Ellie (the elephant) and
won't be able to stop!
The first Bonus barrel is right above
the cliff at the start of the level. Have
Kiddy throw Dixie up into it. You'll
play this one using Squawks.
When you return from the first
Bonus barrel you will still be using
Squawks. Go to the left to the second
Bonus barrel (partially hidden by
leaves). You'll play this one using
If you can make it to the end of this
level with Parry intact, you get
another Bonus barrel. I can't tell you
what this one does, because I haven't
been able to do it yet!
Make it to the end of the level
to get the DK coin, which is in
plain sight just beyong the end
of level flagpole.
You should now have: 36
Kris Kross Kliffs
To the right of a DK barrel are two
red Buzz's (bees). Behind the Buzz's
is a Bonus barrel.
When you see three Re-Koils
(bouncing alligators), go up and to
the right. Go to the far right and use
Kiddie to throw Dixie up into the
Bonus barrel.
After the Bonus barrel fall down and
to the right of the DK barrel.
You should now have: 37
Tyrant Twin Tussle
Right before the "No Spiders" sign
use Kiddy to throw Dixie straight up
for a Bonus barrel.
After the save point, just before the
'N' is another Bonus barrel.
At the end of the level get the single
banana at the flagpole.
The DK coin is just before the first
Bonus barrel and is in plain sight...
You should now have: 38
Swoopy Salvo
Right after the 'K' enter the next tree
and go down. When you come out of
the tree that has the bananas in a
curved shape in it, go upwards and
enter the tree that has all the
Swoopys (woodpeckers) coming out
of it. In that tree are 2 red Buzz's
(red bees) circling a banana really
fast. The banana is the Bonus barrel!
Just past the save point go out of the
tree and jump up and left (using the
Swoopy's) for the 2nd Bonus barrel.
Right after the 2nd Bonus barrel you
see a "No Parrot" sign. Here you can
get a metal barrel to defeat Koin
(you can't miss him).
the halfway point sometime, you
will be going from the left tree to the right.
When you come out of the hole on the left,
Swoopy will be swooping down from the top
left and flying into the hole on bottom right.
Typically, you would run from left to right and
go into the hole and climb up the rope. Instead
of doing this, stop before going into the hole and
turn around. Jump on Swoopy and continue
jumping up and to the left. The bonus barrel is
You should now have: 39
Rocket Rush
The DK coin is at the end of the level
at the flagpole in plain sight.
You should now have: 40
Defeat K-Rool to earn the the DK Coin.
should now have: 41
Take all of the coins you've earned to Funky and he will build the Gyrocopter. Use it to fly around and get access to the banana bird bonus areas normally inaccessible by other vehicles.