Week Four
Inside the Big Banana House in the living room
DK: I'm going to get a banana.
Diddy: Wait for me!
Tiny: If I lose, can I give you all a kiss goodbye?
Dixie: *thinking* The only thing I'd let you
kiss is butt.
Wrinkly: I'm sure we can work something out,
dear. And besides, it might be your old
grandma leaving next.
Lanky: Swanky's ready to announce the verdict...let's
Swanky: The voting was nearly unanimous. We have
our next winner, or should I say
loser, of the vote. Wrinkly, I'm sorry, it's time for you to go. You have
minutes to say your goodbyes and get your things, and then you need to
the Big Banana house.
Wrinkly: I was afraid of this...well, my bags
are packed. Goodbye dearies, good luck in
the contest. May the best one win!
Tiny: Don't worry grandma, I will.
Diddy: Did I hear correctly? Tiny thinks she's
going to win the whole thing? That's the funniest
thing I ever heard! *starts a laughing fit*
Wrinkly: I'm going now...I'll make sure your
china dolls are safe, dear.
K-Rool: *thinking* No need, Wrinkly. I've got
Candy: Good bye Wrinkly, we'll miss you!
Lanky: Lagoo!
Tiny: What did he say?
DK: Arrgggghhhh!
Wrinkly: I'll have a nice banana cream pie at
home for the winner! *leaves the house*
Diddy: *gets back up* Sometimes it's great to
have a good laugh.
Tiny: *yawns* I'd better hobble off to bed...night
K-Rool: *thinking* She'd better do what I told
her to, or her china dolls will perish! *talking
out loud* I'd better go to bed too...later everyone.
Lanky: I'd better head up the pipe. We'll talk
tomorrow, Dixie?
Dixie: Yep, good night!
It is midnight, and Tiny and K-Rool are meeting
up in the hallway.
K-Rool: Did you get them?
Tiny: Yes, I have them right here. Take it.
K-Rool: Good, here's your china dolls in return.
Tiny: *feeling a bit guilty inside* Night...
It is a new day, and the contestants are starting to realize that without Wrinkly, the cooking is not as good as before. Candy is tired from doing the breakfast meal on her own.
K-Rool: I'm full, thank you Candy.
Candy: No problem...*faints*
Tiny: These are tasty tacos!
DK: Those are pancakes, Tiny...
Diddy: I'm off for a swim...see you guys later.
Lanky: *burps* I'm off to my room.
Tiny: I'm going to hobble over to my chair in
the living room...perhaps something good's on.
In K-Rool's Room
K-Rool: Good, I finally have them. With these,
I will win Big Banana and prove once and for all
that the Kremlings are superior!
In Lanky's Room
Lanky: Well, I guess there's no need for this
tape anymore...Wrinkly's gone.
Dixie: *hairspins through the window* Thinking
about the tape?
Lanky: I wish we could have got our hands on
this earlier.
Dixie: We can't do anything about it now, let's
just face it. Tiny will always be good in Wrinkly's
eyes, and we'll always know that she's just a brat.
Lanky: I'm going to go throw this away, I'll
play croquet in the yard with you now that it's sunny.
Dixie: Sure, I'll just hairspin out the window
and wait for you there.
At Lake Orangatanga
Diddy: Well, time to plan my dinner with Dixie...I
want to have a special dinner for her. Hmmm...
I wonder if Swanky would allow me to have fancy food for one evening?
Swanky: *from helicopter above* Yes, Diddy, we
have different things you can use for this
evening...I'll lower the box of supplies. *lowers box* Good luck with Dixie!
Diddy: Thanks! Now for my swim... *jumps in the
In the living room
Tiny: Awesome! PMA is on!
Candy: P-M-what?
Tiny: PMA...Popular Mechanics for Apes. They're
teaching about how special effects work in
movies...they're going to blow up a car!
DK: *appears from the doorway* Cool, I wanna
Candy: I'm going to take a nap in my room...have
fun watching your show.
It is now 5:00 PM, and Diddy has got his supplies
box in Cranky's old room. K-Rool is
lounging in his room, and the other contestants
are watching the news (Dixie is
particularly in search of sports news).
Dixie: Yay, it's sports news now!
DK: Booorrrring...I'd rather play with Tiny.
Tiny: Hey! That's not fair!
Candy: Shush, just play a board game while you're
waiting, for goodness sake!
Lanky: Lagoo!
Tiny: I won't even ask...
In Cranky's Room
Diddy: Ah, the room is clean, the table has been
set up, the wine is here, and the food is cooking in
the kitchen. I'd better go check on it...
In K-Rool's Room
K-Rool: Stupid Tiny...thank you so much for these.
Now that I have the keys to all the Kongs' rooms,
I can get them all mad at one person, and then one by one, they'll all
go! I'll play goody two-
shoes, and I'll be the winner! Ha ha ha ha ha!
In the Kitchen
Diddy: It's all cooked...I'd better escort Dixie
to dinner...DIXIE!
Dixie: Yes Diddy?
Diddy: I have a surprise for you. *opens Cranky's
door, and closes it behind them*
Candy: Time for dinner, everyone!
Tiny: Where's Diddy and Dixie?
DK: They're having a special dinner.
Tiny: I want a special dinner too!
Candy: And tonight we do have a special dinner...I
made everyone banana bread to go along with my
famous coconut-banana casserole!
DK: Sounds great!
Lanky: Lagoo!
Tiny: Grrrrrrr...
In Cranky's Room
Dixie: Wow, dinner for the two of us? You've
got candles, and...my favorite flowers!
Diddy: That's right...I hope the roses are fresh
enough. Take your seat right here.
Dixie: This is great! The chicken looks good...*takes
a bite* Tastes wonderful, too!
Diddy: Good...some chilled banana wine?
Dixie: Of course...thank you.
It is an hour later. Everyone has eaten, and
they've all settled in for a game of Monopoly.
DK: Hey, the TV is going weird.
Diddy: We're playing Monopoly, DK, not watching
the television.
DK: But look!
Diddy: Fine...hey, it's Swanky!
Swanky: I have decided to make your board game
the challenge for tonight. The obvious challenge is
to beat everyone else at the game. The winner gets a free ticket out of
being banished, and
all of you will get to have a gaming system afterwards. Good luck!
Tiny: I wanna go first, me first, me first, me...
Candy: Oh, for goodness sake Tiny shut up! Here's
the dice, Lanky.
Lanky: *rolls* I got a 3! Mediterranean Avenue
is mine!
DK: *rolls the dice* 1, 2, 3, 4...Income Tax,
drat! I guess I'll pay $200...
Tiny: *rolls the dice, and lands on Mediterranean
Avenue* Say Lanky, is that Halley's Comet?
Lanky: Nice try, Tiny. I'll take that $2 rent.
Tiny: Grrr....here.
Candy: *rolls the dice* 2, 4, 6, 7...awesome,
I get a Chance! *picks card up* $150 in inheritance!
Things are looking good for me!
Diddy: *rolls* Double 1! I get Community Coconut!
*picks card up* Pay your opponents $50
each...aw, man! *hands money over*
Tiny: Thank you most sincerely!
Diddy: Sure, anytime.
K-Rool: *rolls* Double 6...3, 6, 9, 12...Electric
Company. I think I'll auction it.
Tiny: $500!
K-Rool: Sold! *takes money*
DK: Good one, Tiny. Did you know you paid over
3 times as much as the property is worth?
Tiny: Of course I know! I wanted the property!
Diddy: That bad?
Tiny: Yes, definitely.
Diddy: *whispering to DK* Too bad she doesn't
know I was asking if she was that bad at playing
the game!
Tiny: I heard that!
Dixie: *rolls the dice* 2, 4, 5...Reading Railroad,
good! I'll buy it!
It is now 10:00 PM, four hours later. Tiny,
K-Rool, DK, Diddy, and Lanky are out. Only
Dixie and Candy are remaining in the game.
Candy: *rolls the dice* 2, 4, 6, 7...oh no!
Dixie: Ah, let's see. You landed on Boardwalk,
and I have a hotel on it. The total comes to...
Candy: *interrupting* Don't even bother. I already
know I'm broke.
Dixie: Okay then, good game! Let's shake hands!
*shakes with Candy*
Candy: Good game!
Swanky: We have a winner! Dixie has won a free
ticket out of being booted out of the Big Banana
house. Your gaming system is also waiting. Just press in 830 in the alarm
system, and it
will drop from the ceiling. Before you do, it's now time for voting in
the yellow room.
Since it's later than usual please be as fast as you can in your voting.
DK, you're first.
Please come to the yellow room.
DK: I'm here.
Swanky: Okay, which two contestants are you voting
for, and why?
DK: This is tough, because I like everyone here...except
Tiny. I'll vote for Tiny and K-Rool. For
I just felt like voting for her, and K-Rool because he's been awfully quiet
Swanky: Thank-you DK. Next!
Lanky: I vote for Tiny and DK. Tiny, because
she's a pest, and DK only because he made me
pay him $1200 in fees for landing on a space in Monopoly!
Swanky: Thanks Lanky. Next!
Dixie: I vote for DK and...uh, let's see. I pick...K-Rool.
Swanky: Thank-you Dixie. Next...
The voting is done, and the verdict is about
to be given.
Swanky: Okay everyone, the votes are in. This
week's contestants nominated for banishment are
DK and K-Rool. You may all go back to your activities.
DK: Might as well grab a banana while I'm waiting!
K-Rool: *mumbling* I knew it...prejudice against
Dixie: I'll get the gaming system. *punches code
in, and an N64 box is lowered from the ceiling*
Tiny: Awesome! Then we can play DK64 and beat
up K-Rool in it!
Diddy: We'll be playing multiplayer, Tiny, not
single player!
K-Rool: Let's play...I'm in the mood to blow
a certain someone's head off...if I can't do it in
reality, at least I can do it in a video game.
Tiny: Why do I feel I shouldn't be playing right
The votes have been cast, and DK and K-Rool are up for banishment from the Big Banana house? Who will be next to receive the boot from the house? Only your vote can decide who's out!